Hey, I just got home and Spaghetti pissed all over the floor and I'm out of it so this post will be brief: I saw Your Highness Electric tonight at Silverlake Lounge and they were pretty friggin tight. I'm totally not into doing a long and intricate post right now, but needless to say, I dug the set from these guys with a stranglehold passion. As if my love for Flight 19 and Christensen in high school wasn't enough, these dudes are on a whole new level these days...well, sort of. It's hardcore but not poppy or annoying or slick or any other slashie category that tends to bring down decent hardcore bands. They just rip it and sound like sabbath mixed with black flag mixed with the minutemen fans that grew up touring with Boy Sets Fire.
However, since LA is such a fucked up and bogus town, two shitty bands played after them, for some ridiculous reason, and I missed the first two songs. Jesus, just because homeboys were from Louisville (home to one of America's top 7 music scenes hands down), they had to play before a bunch of chicks ripping off blonde redhead and two dorks emulating dj shadow. I'm really sorry to those bands, but they were so shitty I didn't even bother figuring out their names. But sadly, they blow chunks. Sorry again, but I fancy myself a learned music connoisseur and sincerely think you need a few more months of practice before playing live again. Be patient!
This city is just frustrating me to no end: bookings here are all about who you know/suck-off and have nothing to do with talent or actual ability and that is so fucking sad. I'm not even going to tackle the whole DJ breakdown (or what some no talent wanna-be male-model at chacha said about "The Pigeon Killer" even though he never even heard a single second of the tape), but it is the same for bands: Silverlake lounge would rather book two shit ass bands (that shouldn't even be allowed to play live) as headliners over a pretty friggin awesome band, just because the awesome band happens to be from the midwest. Fucking dumbshit promoters following these bogus LA seniority rules. AHHH, it is so frustrating. I'm really having a hard time taking this city seriously these days.
While Your Highness Electric played a killer set and had a bunch of super tight tracks, here is the one song I got on cd for now. Admittedly and as usual, it is certainly not their best. However, they have a full length on Longhair Illuminati Records (home to Ride the Boogie, Casket Salesman [super dope]. Mongoloid, Mythmaker, and Auditory Aphasia among others) and are going to be playing Warped Tour for a while this summer. Peep them if you get a chance and I'll post photos and auxiliary commentary tomorrow when I'm not so bitter. Holla!
Plus I know I had something else to say but I totally lost my train of thought.
Your Highness Electric: "Handing Out Hairlips" MP3 zshare
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