I feel like I start way too many posts with "wow" and instead of looking back for evidence, I'll just take the easy way out and start this one with the self-referential sentence that is about to end. My homey Tyler from Prowler just sent me a few tracks from their soon-to-drop album and I'm certainly impressed. First of all, I'm glad Philly's scene is so intense these days. I mean, we all know they've had an intense scene for a few years now, (timeout: my neighbor is such a freak during Laker games and his yells are so timely and textbook that i swear to shit he's just yelping to let the whole complex know he is, in fact, watching "the game") but I kinda feel like the bands out of the Delaware Valley that get press are all on this weirdo vaudeville tip. We could holla about it if ya'll want, (three pointer: two loud claps followed by a louder third clap) but I'd say Man Man, Dr. Dog and The Teeth are probably the first three Philly bands I think of in terms of hype from my hometown. And while each band has at least some very good music and their own intricacies, they definitely share that pared down acoustic rockabilly/gypsy punk/T-Bone Burnett sort of vibe. To me, Dr. Dog sounds more pure pop-oriented and Brian Wilson-ey, Man Man takes home the weirdo prize, and The Teeth hit somewhere in the middle. Although I may over-analyze Pennsylvania's contributions to the arts, I can't help but think that discerning music fans everywhere assume there is a lingering Quaker influence or some shit that makes all the Phila bands sound old-timey. Of course War on Drugs and Hail Social are repping Philly-town hard right this minute and earning their respect in a decidedly non old-timey way, you guys know what I mean, right?
Thankfully, we also got the motherfucking Prowler coming to bat (34-12 Lakers, respectable claps) for the 'iladelph and they're hard as nails. Actually, I need to clarify: they're not rioutous metal, nu-rave or meandering psych-rock. And they've been keeping it real for a few years now. But I guess I'd take their word for it and say they are influenced by electro, pop and funk. I'm not an expert and have never seen them live, but to the put in in layman's terms (i.e. easy to understand comparisons to popular/influential musicians of the past), the few tracks I've heard sound like a drugged out supergroup with Isaac Brock singing, John Frusciante playing guit, Martin Rev and PiL dropping synths and beats, and maybe the Talking Heads or Soul Coughing bringing up the rhythm section (there's seven dudes in the band so this dream team lineup is actually feasible). And trust me, I mean this in the best way possible. These dudes are friggin raw and I'd love to see them in Philly this weekend cause I guaran-damn-tee you they are ultra tight live. Stoppey-startey beats, shouting, low-end thumps and catchy choruses usually seem to impress me live.
Meanwhile on the west coast, I'm gonna join my neighbor and actually pay attention to the game/stop trying to sound informed or smart and just let anybody willing to rip into these two Prowler tracks go at it.
Oh, and shout out to Elbows for adding me and Discobelle for finally posting my mix, even if they did also add my incredibly damning and hilarious five minute plus blackout drunk voicemail rant against LA. Give it a listen, err, I mean, don't...or listen to the mix and not the voicemail. Holla!
Prowler: "Ahead of the Pack" MP3 zshare
Prowler: "Beware Deleware" MP3 zshare
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