LA's afternoons (not to be confused with the much crappier welsh band THE afternoons) are the new monday night residents at Spaceland and they certainly started the month off with a statement: These dudes mean business.
First of all, there are 8 people in the band and they keep trading off so that some songs have as many as four drummers or two bassists. There's trumpet songs and slick guitar lick tracks and droney organ tracks and theres this goth chick with a beautiful voice who trades off lead vocal with the two guitar playing frontmen types gettin' passionate up front. They all appear to be incredibly talented musicians and the songs got melody like whoa. The extra thick sound of the dual drummers (it looked like there were at least two drummers per song) hits real hard live and makes the melodies kinda like...you know, soar. I know that sounds cheesy but its really true: I shit you not.
Although I would assume that most semi-educated music fans would immediately notice the arcade fire similarities in style and appearance, these dudes aren't rip-offs in the least. Yeah, everyone digs arcade fire. Its plain ignorance to not admit the influence they have on every musician these days. Come on, Funeral was the bomb and we all relished our early listens. But....I don't know about you guys, but I thought Neon Bible kinda sucked. If afternoons recorded their set last night, it would certainly rank higher than that sophmore slump of an album. Their songs share similar qualities with arcade fire but are original and dissimilar enough to ever accuse them of plagiarism. Nuff said.
I'm kicking myself for not buying their 3 dollar ep last night. I just thought I'd be able to gank some tracks off elbows or something. So all I got for now is the song "Say Yes" that Shepard Fairey designed a poster or album cover or something for and it was actually one of my least favorites last night. But I'll throw it up here for now and when I cop that ep next week, I'll hit ya'll with some more realness. Warpaint also played and they were pretty tight too. Three super cute chicks playing guitars and keys with a dude drummer. Not as exciting or inspiring, but certainly above average for spaceland: i.e. they don't sound like crappy interpol b sides.
afternoons- "say yes" MP3 zshare
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