So before law school, I played in a kick ass band with Dave and Adrian and a random cast of other heads. We were solid all last summer and played like at least four days a week. Its kinda hard to describe our sound cause me and Dave liked a bunch of the same stuff but also liked a lot of different stuff. For instance, he grew up in San Diego and likes those sort of softcore-hardcore/screamo/ wtf? bands that kids who grow up out here like. Its hard to explain, but if you're from the east coast and moved out here, you know what I mean. Basically, really bad pop-punk bands. Like who the hell in the east coast would ever listen to Alien Ant Farm or System of a Down in high school? Jocks liked hippie shit and/or hip-hop and the other kids like me liked punk or indie or art rock. The final blow, for me, was when Dave said he had never heard The Refused. Nowadays, it seems like regular kids like indie rock a bunch and I guess you can blame that on emo but that's besides the point.
Anyway, Dave didn't even write songs like that: he wrote songs that sounded like Pixies or Beatles songs (even though he claimed to hate them) and they were ALL in b minor. Basically, he didn't want to rock as hard as I did and didn't want to experiment beyond basic pop song structure. It was like waaayyy too art rock to even try and use the mini korg. I love the guy but honestly, he'd do better as a solo acoustic performer and doesn't need a band to shine. And now that he is engaged to a lovely lady, music is no longer a priority.
I, on the other hand, have way too grandiose ideas to execute without other dudes playing instruments. As a result, our songs from that band mhoney (the m is silent...or not) have such inner tension and you can totally hear it. Nowadays, I'm about to start a band with Caspar Adams and am ultra pumped: I used to go see his bands in high school and they always blew me away. Now, 8 years later, we're finally gonna play together! He spent time in Say Anything and The National Acrobat out here, but I remember him best from The Moths and Fuck the Android from my brief tenure in Lousiville, KY.
Dig these mhoney tracks: its two songs recorded together with no pause from a room mic so its bad quality but good melodies deep down. I wrote them both but Dave sings lead on the first track while the second one is only me singing the whole time.
Oh, and when I find some Moths or Fuck the Android tracks, they'll get tossed up ASAP cause they are absolutely amazing.
mhoney- "Affordable Health Care/Those Cliffs and Beaches" zshare
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