Dear Matthew,
Yesterday you published a blog on Myspace.com making
statements about our recent business together.
I find the statements untrue and unfair. In addition the blog contains
direct attacks on my character, which I believe are intended
to adversely reflect my fitness to conduct my trade as a professional
disk jockey.
You also made your intentions to defame my character
clear in a text to me containing the words, "I'm bad mouthing
your bitch ass all over net".
Furthermore you may or may not have made slanderous
comments about me on public radio station KXLU, the extent
of which will be determined once the transcript of the show
has been received from the radio station.
I believe your conduct outlined above to be legally defamatory
and I am meeting with a legal representative this week to assist
in the matter.
Please immediately remove the offending blog, and any other
potentially defamatory internet postings, and replace with an
apology for the defamatory remarks.
Your failure to correct erroneous and false statements and
their repetition after notice of their falsehood constitutes
further publication of libel. It also further confirms your
malicious intent to hinder profits of my disk jockey business.
You must cease and desist from tortious interference and making
false and malicious comments about me. You are advised to cease
contacting me with harassing phone calls and text messages.
Please govern yourself accordingly.
Please note complying with my request to remove the offending
article(s) and publish an apology does not constitute an offer
from myself to cease any legal proceeding against you.
Hit me up at my
myspace and I'll add you so you can see this inflammatory blog. In case anyone else forgot, I'm STILL IN LAW SCHOOL!