I don't think it ever really set it: we won the world series. My squad finally sealed the deal and won it all. I have a championship team. Chase and Cole and Ryan and Myers and Shane and the rest of the most likable team in baseball are the champions of the whole goddamn world.

Maybe this has to do with my horrible night of "celebration" (so annoyed by the choice of companions at Cam's house that I gave myself a rash) (I'm not kidding...the shit hasn't even completely gone away. I was that annoyed by those motherfuckers.) Or maybe I just haven't been around enough Philly fans. I know one thing: the whole 46 hr rain delay did not ruin my series. I know all the media d-bags get off on being able to pigeonhole this series for the whole rain delay incident and act like it somehow ruined our victory. Fuck that noise: if anything, it only made the victory sweeter. Even Bud Selig and his bullshit maneuvering ("ok, tie game...time for the rain delay" - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?) couldn't thwart our steamroller pummeling of the Rays.

We're the shit. Seriously, no one could touch us last year and I knew we had the series locked up since the first playoff game in Milwaukee. In 2007, I knew we weren't getting past the first round. And this year, I knew the series was ours the whole way. Even after the bullshit analysts and sports writers started acting like we would forget how to play ball for 2.3 games because someone tried to screw us. They obviously don't know about Philly: we thrive on getting screwed.

So I don't have mixed feelings about the victory for the city and team (longest drought of any city with all four franchises is officially over!) even though baseball may want me to. I just wish i could be reminded of how badass my team is all day every day. But for now, I'll just have to content myself on the simple fact that when I find time to watch a couple highlights, tears of joy start leaking out my eyes and I remember cutting class to watch the Phils give it to Joe Buck and the rest of the irrational Philly haters out there. And I'm certainly holding out hope that finally getting back east in a few weeks will cement this feeling for the next 10 months.

Oh and one more thing: Fuck yeah we know how to riot! Seriously, I'd of been severely disappointed if we hadn't gone ape-shit on Broad Street like we did.
Phillies World Series Champion Riot Oct08 2008 -
P.S. Joe Buck can eat a fat dick.
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