Thursday, May 01, 2008

well, here is some collateral in the form of this awesome sound advice remix

ok, if you are roughly my age and grew up surrounded by an alt rock landscape, you probably love it when djs randomly drop "laid" by james. usually, that is a good sign that you'll love a super sweet bmore remix of the track. teenwolf from ninjasonik and soundadvice (and roughly a shitload other projects) did this awesome aforementioned (albeit, solely in an imaginary context) "laid" remix that i think anyone getting into the blogass assphere deep enough to actually peep this site would actually dig. basically, my friends like the song and since they are typically my only web visitors, they'll love this shit. there are a butload of other remixes over at the sound advice site that, while i can't individually vouch for each of them (i'm sorry, but i fucking hate brown eyed girl and a baltimore break won't divest me of such a deep loathing), these dudes are on their game and i'm sure there are plenty of gems. as a bonus, the remixes are right at the top of the page.
and if you don't believe me when i say they keep it crunk, like how happy everyone at their weekly(?) supreme trading party.
now, seriously, i don't know shit about "consistent additional terms and contract ambiguity" and the test is in six days.

sound advice- james gets laid

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