Thursday, May 29, 2008

holy shit, health has a remix album

yeah, like i said, holy shit! thats such a great idea. i gotta listen to them all and decide which is the best....hold on. i'll be back in a minute...i'm at the bar and need to catch a cig and listen right quick.
the three best tracks are...or i guess my 3 favorite are: "triceratops" (acid girls remix B),"Heaven" (Narctrax Remix) and "Tabloid Sores" (Nosajithing remix). I guess these are my faves cause they sound dancey and playable but still a lot like health too. the cfcf remix is tight too but thats everywhere already. holla at these
"triceratops" (acid girls remix B) MP3 zhare
"Heaven" (Narctrax Remix) MP3 zshare
"Tabloid Sores" (Nosajithing remix) MP3 zshare

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