well, there you have it: the triumphant return of dj tomhanks.. hell fucking yeah.
niagra everything wednesday at 7th and A. this week, japanther is obviously playing with me and as we all know, they will tear us all a new asshole.
me and curtis just got back from montreal and we had a blast upon all blasts. raged it so hard and fell in love with a city i only previously respected. for some reason, those people up there are so much nicer than us. maybe its just nyc, but every single person we met was so genuinely nice. even when i got drunk and talked shit, which was often. i was hoping to have more hockey convo but i guess they're all bitter about choking in the first round. flyers did too so i'll leave it at that.
bored out of my gored now that im back and supine on the couch. watching father of the bride when i should be studying for my lsats that are now less than a month away. im so fucked on that too since i know, deep within my heart, that i will never be able to comprehend those logic games. wish me luck and come rage on wednesday. holla
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