Friday, January 21, 2011

Albums I Just Bought

Due to a visit from the facist dictator of China, it has taken cousin Michael and I an hour and a half and counting to get downtown today. I don't know why he chose Chicago, but he is here messing shit up. Maureen lost an hour of her life to his motorcade last night and now he is rampaging me and Mike this morning. Bastard. Anyway, this time killing gave me time to listen to a sampling of my new albums. You see I was killing time in Wicker Park the other day and found some treasures in the dollar bins at Reckless Records. I buy a lot of alt rock from the Half Price Books dollar bins and Reckless has a lot of the same stuff. However, they also have some real gems that might not make it all the way to a suburban HPB.
I bought the first two Bjork albums for 99cents apiece because I don't think I ever owned a tangible copy of either one. It's been years since I heard Post all the way through and I don't think I ever heard Debut all the way through. Nothing too exciting here: I could've certainly copped either one at any HPB around. However, not for under a buck.
Let's see...what else...I got the Italians Do It Better compilation for a buck and even though I have most of the full-lengths advertised on this album, there's still a couple unknown tracks on there and I'll pay a dollar for 7 tracks from a label I trust. Plus cd audio sounds a lot better in the car.
I shelled out $1.99 each for the 3 disc Matador anniversary set and Health::Disco2. I got the Matador comp mainly just to have (ya know?) but also to throw on when I'm not in the mood to make decisions. And since I've been hanging with the two most indecisive people in the world lately (Michael and Maureen), I have less and less capacity for weighing options these days. Ordering dinner is a nightly battle that wastes way too much of my precious time.
Decisively, I love Health. I love everything they've ever done and I loved Disco::2 before I was halfway through the tracklist. I somehow slept on it when it came out ( I think I read about it, got a few songs from blogs and then stopped thinking about it before I actually acquired it) even though I loved Disco::1 so much. And after listening to most of it while waiting for Supreme Chancellor Jintao to finish mentally molesting the students at Walter Payton middle school and clear the roads, I like it at least as much as I liked the previous disco album. While the Salem remix is fire and so is the Tobacco one, the best song on the album is probably "USA Boys" by Health themselves. I'll post it eventually.
But the best score had to be King Kong's first album for 99 cents. Obviously, some foolish clerk at Reckless didn't realize what she was doing when she slapped that ".99" sticker on a totally cristine copy of the self-titled banger. I think I may have to post the intro track at least when I get home tonight. For those of you unfamiliar with King Kong, the dude from Slint is the frontman and I guess you could say they sound like a more showgazey(?) version of Pylon. I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did your cousin get?