Ahh man, Abandon Ship...Jesus Christ!
Bad Religion meets the Refused.
Queens of the Stone Age meets Blanks 77.
Get Up Kids meets Archers of Loaf...
Channels 3x4 meets Dr. Feelgood meets Electric Soft Parade meets Elliott meets Gallows meets The Stooges meets Jesus Lizard meets Leftover Crack meets Les Savy Fav meets The Thermals.
And eventually, they kind of sound like Nation of Ulysses if they had gotten together on the west coast.
I really like these guys a lot. I don't know what else to say about them...I mean, I already compared them to a litany of bands I friggin worship. I mean, I could have gone the easy route and just said they sound like Nation of Ulysses fist-fighting Nofx while early Boy Sets Fire albums blare in the background. That might have worked; but it would've been lazy and somehow, despite my undying love for those bands, kind of sounds derogatory.
I work with one of the dudes and have mad respect for him. I don't know the other guys but I do know they have high-minded ideals and a burning desire to speak the truth on politics and the shite state of affairs. They're in the studio now working on a full-length album and seem to be spending almost as much time working on their manifesto because I shit you not, these dudes are motherfucking for real. Rock stars in Bakersfield and making an impact in LA, I can't wait to hear the album and read this goddamn manifesto. Shit, a manifesto on their first record. Man, I can't wait to get blown away.
Dig this track here:
abandon ship "all hands on deck" mp3 zshare
check out these videos:
one and two
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