Thursday, March 22, 2007

Holy Shit, I totally forgot I even had a blog

Yeah, I shit you not...I forgot I had a blog. I knew something's been missing. And what really sucks is I could have used this to whine about Chicago all winter. Since I last wrote anything on here, I moved to my parents's house in Baltimore and then on to Chicago in December. But I didn't (and still kind of don't) know anyone here all winter and could have totally written some bad ass, angst-ridden stories. It was so cold all winter and snowed every friggin day...uhhh, the weather itself made me stay inside and I was usually bored enough to watch fucking cold pizza on espn...sometimes twice. I played music sometimes but hit a rut in february and have kept playing but haven't recorded since then.
Obstensibly, I've been applying to law school and looking for jobs but have procrastinated so much that I've just finishing the applications now. I'll be all done by tomorrow finally and its just in time: I got tons of shit to write about on here. For instance, I just got back from South By Southwest.
I also got a dog...Spaghetti. Or spaghetti face, or spaghetti head or fettucine head or ravioli brain. you know, any italian dish. more to come...i promise. i'm about to go home now. you'll seee....if anyone still checks on this but i doubt they do...i haven't touched it since august.